Bungee Jumping - Bungee Jumping from Television Tower in Harrachov throughout the year - Jiri Stolin, Xtreme Sports
Bungee Jumping Harrachov
Television Tower
season: January - December

+420 607 232 070

PO-NE: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.


  Order Voucher

  Bungee Jumping Harrachov

  Price of Jumps

  How to get to TV Tower

  Dates of Jumps

  T-Shirt + Jump Video


  How to apply Voucher


  Events inquiry

  Do you want to know more?
  Contact us by email
  and we will create an
  offer for your event.

  Arrange meeting

  Personal meeting is the best
  to clarify the intent!
  Make an appointment
  at our telephone number:
  +420 607 232 070

  Contact details

  Jiří Stolín, Xtreme Sports
  Větrná 1492
  468 51 Smržovka

  NO: 689 66 369
  VAT: CZ7711262592
  call: +420 607 232 070

Bungee Jumping Harrachov ... the only year-round freestyle Bungee Jumping in the Czech and Europe

Order Voucher Bungee Harrachov Pricelist Location Dates
Bungee Jumping Harrachov - How to apply Voucher

Voucher you book min. 7 days before the jump to a specific date on our email bungyjump@seznam.cz . For reservation is required to give complete voucher number. In the event that the term free, you will receive a confirmation of your date with instructions on how to jump. If the deadline is not free, you will be offered the next available date. Reservations can be canceled at least 7 days before the jump on our email, otherwise it is necessary to appear to jump. When Failing to jump in the booked dates voucher expires.

You do not have voucher and you want to jump from the television tower in Harrachov?
Never mind, let´s come without booking in any date of jumps to the TV Tower in Harrachov and you pay cash before the jump. "We jump really in any weather."

  • Do you want to jump on a snowboard or on snowblades? Join us in winter or in summer. The condition is the only snowboard, skateboard or ski own.
  • Do you want to jump forward or backward to flips? The condition is the only one to have behind 1-2 jumps.
  • For freestyle Bungee jumping not pay anything extra, it is a standard menu.

The dates of jump is not suit you. Do you want jump at other times? On the base of special order of nonstandard dates you can jump any time.

For reservations nonstandard date you have to pay extra fee:

  • booking 1 jump for a non-standard date, you will pay extra-fee CZK 3.000, - incl . VAT / person
  • booking 2 - 3 jumps for a non-standard date you will pay extra-fee CZK 2.000, - incl . VAT / person
  • booking 4 jumps and more for a non-standard date you will pay extra-fee CZK 1.500, - incl . VAT / person

Voucher reservation:

  • There is no charge for booking a standard date. The customer will automatically receive the jump time assigned by the provider at the time of booking. In Harrachov, voucher booking takes place from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and, when fully occupied, jumps are made from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • When booking a standard term at the customer's request, a fee for the exact time of CZK 1.000 / person is charged.

Late booking of a voucher from slevomat.cz:

  • A valid reservation request contains the date of the jump, the place of the jump and a valid voucher number (voucher code)
  • A reservation sent to our email no later than 6 days after the date by which the reservation should have been made is charged a fee of CZK 1.000 / voucher.
  • The fee is payable in cash on the day of the jump before the jump

Reservation of a voucher from a discount machine in violation of the conditions of use:

  • A valid reservation request contains the date of the jump, the place of the jump and a valid voucher number (voucher code)
  • The reservation must be sent to our email bungyjump@seznam.cz
  • The fee for using the voucher in violation of the conditions of use is the amount that makes the difference CZK 2.000 (standard price of the jump) - (minus) the price of the purchased voucher, and this amount is calculated in the booking confirmation from the email address bungyjump@seznam.cz
  • The fee is payable in cash on the day of the jump before the jump

The experience of the Jiri Stolín, Xtreme Sports
If you don´t now know, how to jump voucher order, please contact us at our phone number: +420 607 232 070 from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 8:00 p.m. hours.

Bungee Jumping  TOPlist  @ 2013 Grafika a design: Jiří Stolín, Xtreme Sports  TOPlist  Bungee Jumping